Väägvere Pasunakoor 185




Eesti Rahva Muuseum
Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, Tartumaa, 60532, Tartu linn
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Orchestras: Väägvere Pasunakoor (conductor Kersti Perandi)

Pühajärve-Rõngu Puhkpilliorkester (conductor Arno Anton)

Torma Puhkpilliorkester (conductor Kristi Talistu)

Wind Orchestra “Pociems” (Latvia, conductor Dainis Tarasovs)

Guest conductors: Riivo Jõgi, Bert Langeler

On March 30th, 2024 the wind orchestra Väägvere Pasunakoor is celebrating its 185th birthday. The concert takes place in the Estonian National Museum. In addition to the Väägvere Pasunakoor, several other wind orchestras will be performing at the concert – the Pühajärve-Rõngu Wind Orchestra, the Torma Wind Orchestra, and the wind orchestra “Pociems” from Latvia. The orchestras are conducted by Kersti Perandi, Arno Anton, Kristi Talistu, Dainis Tarasovs, Riivo Jõgi and Bert Langeler.
Väägvere Pasunakoor is the longest running wind orchestra in Estonia. It was founded in 1839. Through the years the orchestra has played an important role in the life of the local community, holding an honorable spot in the cultural history of Estonia as well. The orchestra brings together musicians of many different generations.
The event is free.
Project “Väägvere Pasunakoor 185” is a part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme.


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